With cars lined up around the block by the time the Salvation Army’s second annual Food and Supplies Distribution event at the East St. Louis corps, it looked like a blessed Saturday morning.
More than 680 families received four pre-packaged boxes each of frozen chickens, turkey, cheese, paper towels, eggs, cookies, crackers and other provisions at May 1’s event, which lasted from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on 616 N. 16th St. in East St. Louis.
Food and supplies were also distributed at a nearby seniors’ residence, where tenants could not access the in-person facilities at the East St. Louis Corps.
The event, made possible with the assistance of Bayer, Sysco and the St.Louis Food Bank, was staffed with about 50 volunteers and board members from the Salvation Army, Americorps, Scott Air Force Base, and other organizations. The tasks entailed packing thousands of boxes for distribution to families in a matter of hours.
“This event is very important for the community,” said The Salvation Army’s assistant Midland Division social services director LaKeysha Fields, who headed up the Salvation Army event for a second year.
“We’re a year into COVID-19, and there is not a lot of relief in sight,” Fields said. “We’re still going through the pandemic, and people still need help. There were a lot of people who needed before the pandemic. So, this is an extra layer of need that can be a burden to some households. It’s very needed, and we’re so happy that we can help.”
News media present included TV cameras from local St. Louis news channels, promoting the event to viewers, as had happened last year, as well.
Sincere and heartfelt “thank-yous” came from needy families in line and seniors at their residence, greeted with friendly “you’re welcomes” from volunteers. One senior asked how she could donate her clothes in return.
St. Louis’ Major Kjell Steinsland opened the morning with a prayer to volunteers.
“For people in East St. Louis and other areas, they are extremely hurt by what’s going on because they have limited resources,” Steinsland said, in an interview before the prayer. “With our donors, we’re able to help fill the void and be a part of that relief effort.”
Volunteers and potential donors can find more information of how to give on